Update: U17 National team

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: juli 10, 2022

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A quick update on U17 National Team.
Norway U17 National Team visited us and played a couple of friendlies @ Göteborg against the Sweden U17 National Team.
We played one T20 game and one ODI.
There is an update on the squad. Before a tournament ICC requires teams to submit thorough documentation for their squad for review. The review has resulted in a few players, part of the original squad announced (14 + 4), not meeting the documentation criteria, eligibility criteria or are not available. It is also important to note that the players who are now incorporated in the squad were already part of the original U17 pool.
Keeping team balance as a primary criteria, we have incorporated 2 players in the squad – Azim Chinwari and Abdul Bilal.
Join us in wishing the Sweden U17 National Team Squad the very best for the upcoming Tournaments!

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