Official and final results – Women´s and girls development project 2022-2023

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: augusti 9, 2023

The satisfaction of completion is hard to top. The important and gamechanging project aiming at promoting girls & womens cricket in Sweden has come to an end and it is time to share the results.

We in the SCF office are strong believers of transparency and for that reason, we wish to publish the official and final results of this two year long women & girls project that has been run during 2022 – 2023 by project manager Waldo Hood in the SCF Office..

We could never have imagined achieving such great results as presented in the attached document, when we first started working with this 2 year-project from practically zero, lacking previous plans.

The ambition for development and encouraging women´s cricket to thrive by giving them a platform and respect from all cricketers, motivated us to hurdle all obstacles through the bumpy road towards our goal, making Swedish women’s cricket a reality!

Our expressed goal was to create equal opportunities for both men and women; therefore, we have set a new format in motion for women’s cricket from season 2023 and onwards.

The goal was to develop a stable structure for women´s cricket and the development of ideas that continuously keeps growing in quantity & quality, helping to attract a new generation of female cricketers.

Project team have helped the clubs with marketing, communication, and strategical thinking, with the ambition on becoming the best Nordic cricket nation for all female players regardless of age or ethnic origin, always with common sense and realistic planning in mind.

In a couple of weeks our Womens NT will participate in the Nordic Cup in Finland as favourites as a result of all the hard work.

Thank you, female players, umpires, coaching staff, CricClubs and passionate resources for this development.

Project Team:

Waldo Hood Catalán – Project manager

Azam Khalil – Club advisor & education

Leydy Luna Gogolin – Competition & event manager

Monica Söderberg – General Secretary

Qasim Ali – Director of Cricket

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