Local cricket supplier support Women’s National Team

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: maj 29, 2023

Scandi cricket based in Stockholm are pleased to support the Women’s National Team ahead of their trip to Womens ICC Qualifer 2023.

I thank Wynand and Scandi Cricket for supporting our Women’s National Team with cricket supplies ahead of the trip to Jersey. This is the first steps to securing greater resources for our national squads and individual players. It great to also be associated with a local and reliable supplier. Qasim Ali, Director of Cricket

We are really excited to support the Swedish National Women’s team. It is great to see the opportunities which are made available now. The women’s game is growing and we see the importance to help support the growth of the game in this area. Hopefully this is the start of something great!

Good luck to each and every player and coaching staff participating in the ICC Women’s T20 WC Europe Div 2 Qualifier. We will be supporting you all the way. Wynand Boshoff, General Manager Scandi Cricket

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