Junior National Team update

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: maj 10, 2022

Junior National Team update:  U17 Team announcement

In continuation to the junior national team identification and preparation process keeping in mind the 2022 ICC sub regional qualifier in August 2022, the U17 trials for the national team were held in Malmö on 7 and 8 May 2022.

The probables participated in the trials, conducted by youth coach Rajan Sharma along with the regional assistant coaches. The players were assessed on the 4 pillars of performance, fitness, fielding, batting and bowling.

The following individuals have been identified as the U17 National Squad for Sweden.
The squad consists of 18 players. (14 + 4 reserve players.)

Yatharth Chauhan
Mashal Khan
Sebastian Luczak
Sanuk Keppetiyawa
Kavin Meenakshisundaram
Anish Pimpalkhare
Sharim Afzal
Madhav Erat
Trineth Rahul Madhan Prabhu
Fawad Shirzad
Ali Haider
Hasan Nijamudin
Chandresh Rewal
Advait Guhagarkar

Reserve Players
Kirtan Sai
Reshad Nazari
Isa khan Sharifi
Lucas Woodgate

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