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Gunjan selected to represent Sweden in Fairbreak international tournament!

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: oktober 24, 2022

Thanks to the hard work of Womens Head Coach David Williman and the cricket talent of Swedish Womens captain Gunjan Shuckla we have a first for Swedish cricket. 
After a long selection process, Gunjan, has been selected to take part in the Fairbreak International Cricket tournament to be held in Hong Kong in early May 2022. 
Gunjan will be playing along side international women superstars such as Sophie Devine , New Zealand Captain , Indian stars Harmanpreet Kaur and Deepti Patel , West Indian powerhouse all rounder Deandre Dottin and Pakistan stars Sana Mir and Diana Baig. In fact every top level test playing nation is represented at the tournament. Sweden and Germany were the only low level tier countries t have a player accepted. 
Gunjan will also have the pleasure of working with some of the best women cricket coaches in the world such as Charlotte Edwards, Lydia Greenway and Julia Price.
This is a fantastic opportunity for Gunjan and Swedish womens cricket and we wish her all the very best in the tournament. Sweden is right behind you , make us proud. 
See all the latest news by following   #fairbreak on Instagram.


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