Chairman´s Perspective

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: maj 28, 2022

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I would like to avail the given opportunity to update on the status of ongoing change to build platform for long term development. Change management is a challenging task, it requires some tough decisions and can led to a period of uncertainty before desired results can be achieved.

Change is needed to get better results, for example, national team selection process with total and better management of our leagues and events.

We are working towards SCF office empowerment to lead our operations, get our associations involved in the process, make everyone understand the need and reasons for change and planning to achieve desired outcome.

SCF board and Secretary General had two days meeting in Jönköping during 14th and 15 of May.

During meeting we discussed and agreed our priorities for this year. We understand the limited resources and time we have; it demands clear objectives and priorities.

The agreed priority areas are:
1. League and event management 2022 and beyond
Our SCF league is our one of the top priorities. It was decided that SCF office would focus on the tournaments planned for 2022 and assist our committees. From 2023, SCF Office will take over the responsibility for organizing league, tournaments, and events. Our goal is to enhance the quality and long-term structure for Swedish Cricket.

2. Organization structure, roles & responsibilities
In order for any organization to operate and grow effectively, it is required that roles,
responsibilities, and mandates are clearly defined. During the meeting in Jönköping, we decided the roles & responsibilities of SCF Board, General Secretary and SCF Office. The outcome of the decision is SCF board to work on strategic level and responsibility delegation towards General Secretary and office to secure operations towards strategy defined by the board. This made empowerment of the office which is important step towards long term development. General Secretary would create new organization to achieve the given goals and optimize the allocated financial and human resources. It may lead to the change of roles for the office employees and their responsibilities.

3. Swedish Cricket’s Strategy for the coming 3-5 years
There have been many directional changes in previous years due to lack of clear directions. We have started the work towards 3 to 5 years strategy creation which is essential for sustainable and long-term development. A strategy to include our vision, core values, code of conduct, developing and organizing Cricket in Sweden. We decided to create code of conduct for board and office, communication policy. Board’ code of conduct was approved in board meeting May 25th. It is required from Board, SCF office, and our committees to set example first before code of conduct for Cricket Community is implemented.

4. Restructuring of the committees
Restructuring of the committees is also needed since change in roles and responsibilities has an implication of the scope of the committees.
I see our board is united for the change and to bring betterment in all aspects of Cricket in Sweden.

To enable our SCF office for long-term development and operational improvements, we feel obliged to take some tough decision. Our intentions are clear, and goals are in line with ICC and RF, which is to make SCF organization more effective and professional. We strongly believe that no individual. post or anything else is more important than our beloved sport’s operation and development. I hope
our associations will engage and continue to support our growth.

As a next step to our associations involved and informed, we invite associations to a webinar detailed next steps with timeline.

SCF General Secretary received Jonty Rhode´s resignation on Thursday morning, his resignation is unfortunate, but we respect Jonty’s decision. SCF and cricket community appreciate his efforts and thank him for his short time with Swedish Cricket. It is sad that information was made public during the public holiday before GS had time to inform our associations and make public announcement.

Monica have started to look for a short-term temporary replacement for senior men Head Coach while federation is working on long term recruitments to grow Swedish Cricket.

Women’s T20 Nordic Cup in Kolsva is progress, Sweden has won both matches comfortably and looking strong contender for the cup. All the best to our national team.

Dinesh Adhikari

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