Historisk T20i Damlandskamp mot Norge

För första gången kommer Cricket Sweden Damlandslag spela T20i (internationell) landskamp mot Norge. Matcherna spelas i Kolsva, Guttsta WCC. Redan idag träffas de båda landslagen och har gemensam träning. Ett fint samarbete mellan de nordiska länderna! blandit ante orci ut diam.

T20i mot Finland

Svenska Herrlandslaget åkte över till Finland och fick möta de Finska herrarna i totalt 4 matcher. Finland var starkast den första dagen och vann båda matcherna, men Sverige kom igen dag 2 och vann båda sina matcher. 2-2 i resultat

T10 Men National Squad 2021

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This tournament will be held in Spain and we will contest GROUP A.The T10 format requires a slightly different skill set to T20 which is why there is a different squad selected for this tournament.Congratulations to all the players and I am looking forward to working with all of you. /Jonty Rhodes 2021-07-22 ABHIJIT VENKATESH […]

T20 Mens National Squad 2021

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We made it clear from the beginning of this national pathway journey that we wanted to make selection for the national team open to all eligible players here in Sweden. In addition, we stressed that performance, fitness, commitment and attitude would form the foundation of our selection criteria.In our selection of the Team Sweden T20 […]