Selected players for Nordic U18 tournament

Av: SCF Kansli

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Publicerad: juni 27, 2023

The following 18 players have been selected as part of the Sweden 🇸🇪 Youth squad for the Nordic U18s Tournament to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Building on from the current squad, players were shortlisted as part of three stages: Regional open trials, JPL and National squad sessions before being shortlisted in the final 18.

Only the 14 players will travel to Denmark to play against Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Norway respectively in T20 and 50overs fixtures.

‘Congratulations to everyone selected, it was great to see lots of young players with different skills showcasing thier potential. We have a big year ahead for the youth and this tournament will provide valuable feedback about our standards and areas of improvements. Qasim Ali – Director of Cricket.

Travelling 14: *
Yatharth Singh Chauhan
Kavin Meenakshisundaram
Madhav Erat
Anish Pimpalkhare
Hasan Nijamudeen
Sebastian Luczak
Advait Guhagarkar
Trineth Rahul Madhan Prabhu
Mohammad Saile
Zaid Ahmed
Mashal Khan
Advait Dhabe
Sanuk Keppetiyawe
Fawad Shirzad

Basharmal Ajmalzai
Noman Zaheer
Kamran Tarakhel
Anif Akbar

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